
ADA in a Nutshell

Watch the video for a preview of the training. 

Course Overview

The American with Disabilities Act (ADA) was implemented to ensure people with disabilities have an equal opportunity for employment and advancement. This course explains the ADA, what counts as a disability and the need to make reasonable workplace accommodations. It also discusses compliance and documentation requirements and the need to consult with your Human Resources department. Making this video training available to management staff on an annual basis can help keep ADA compliance top-of-mind and help your organization avoid ADA-related lawsuits.

Key Audience

All managers

Course Topics

Compliance: EEOC (HR compliance)

Course Detail

Time: 19 Minutes
Questions: 10
Languages: en *
Closed Captioning:
Micro Learning: FALSE

* Courses can be converted to any language needed not listed for a small professional service fee per course, per language. 

