
Storm Warnings: Storm Water Pollution Prevention

Watch the video for a preview of the training. 

Course Overview

This online video teaches viewers about the Best Management Practices (BMP) to protect storm water and run-off. Each year, thousands of beaches are temporarily closed in part due to contaminated run-off. Learning to protect storm water from contamination requires a little education and a little extra effort. This video will educate workers about how to properly manage the supplies and waste at their outside work site. This video describes the different types of waste and how to properly protect the outdoor work environment. By learning how to properly manage materials, supplies, and waste, workers will protect both the environment and their own safety.

Key Audience

Storm water training is required for anyone working in an industry handling chemicals, petroleum products, wastes, herbicides, pesticides or other industrial-type materials. This includes workers at government facilities covered under a General or Multi-Sector General Permit for storm water discharges, as well as workers at municipal facilities covered under an MS4 Permit.

Course Topics

Compliance: EPA | Safety: Hazardous Chemicals, Gases, HazMat, SDS

Course Detail

Time: 43 Minutes
Questions: 28
Languages: en *
Closed Captioning:
Micro Learning: FALSE

* Courses can be converted to any language needed not listed for a small professional service fee per course, per language. 


Chemical Plant | Manufacturing Plant