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Distracted driving comes in many forms, including talking to someone in the car, talking on the phone, eating, putting on makeup or brushing hair, and obviously, texting. The statistics of accidents increases with each distraction. People seem to think they can apply multitasking to driving, but multitasking means that our brain is shifting attention, which can be deadly on the road. This video goes over the three main driving distractions, and how to avoid them. This course provides specific safety tips regarding cell phones, eliminating distractions before driving, and fighting distractions on the road. Cell phones are the most common distraction for drivers. Statistics on how dangerous it is to use a phone while driving are included in the training. This training video mainly focuses on ways in which a driver can be aware of what the distractions are and how to avoid them.
Anyone who drives a vehicle.
Safety: Driving
Time: 28 Minutes
Questions: 10
Languages: en *
Closed Captioning:
Micro Learning: FALSE
* Courses can be converted to any language needed not listed for a small professional service fee per course, per language.
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