
Go Green At Work

Watch the video for a preview of the training. 

Course Overview

The environment has been abused for a long time. This video training explores ways to go green at work, and protect the community, environment and the planet. Did you know one 10-ream box of paper equals one tree? This video training educates viewers about the consequences of creating waste and explains ways to minimize waste. This course covers examples related to paper, recycled products, food and drink, office equipment, lighting and general maintenance. Going green can save money for a company now and in the future. Use this video to educate viewers about how to go green at work by improving recycling practices and reducing waste.

Key Audience

All employees

Course Topics

Human Resources: Employee Orientation

Course Detail

Time: 12 Minutes
Questions: 5
Languages: en *
Closed Captioning:
Micro Learning: FALSE

* Courses can be converted to any language needed not listed for a small professional service fee per course, per language. 

