
Microsoft Access 2010 - Querying a Database

Watch the video for a preview of the training. 

Course Overview

The benefit of building a database is the ability to query it and ask it questions in order to find specific answers to specific problems. This act of querying is what makes the data valuable to you. Fortunately, with Microsoft Access you have the ability to query a database; learn how to do so through the information presented in this Video On Demand. There are aspects of querying a database you need to understand before you can properly perform this task. Access has a feature, Query Design Editor, which allows you to create queries without having to know the code behind them. Learn other aspects, such as imbedding functions into your queries. Make working with data much easier and efficient by mastering how to query a database in Access with this online training video.

Key Audience

All Access 2010 users

Course Topics

Occupational Skills: Computer Skills

Course Detail

Time: 57 Minutes
Questions: 5
Languages: en *
Closed Captioning:
Micro Learning: FALSE

* Courses can be converted to any language needed not listed for a small professional service fee per course, per language. 


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