
Cyber Security Awareness Part 3: Malware

Watch the video for a preview of the training. 

Course Overview

This training course is the third part of a five-part series on cyber security awareness. This video training explores malware. This section educates viewers about what malware is and how it is used. The course goes on to share how to protect your computer from malware. Preventing malware is less expensive for a business than removing malware. Use this video to educate employees how to prevent malware on your computers.

Key Audience

All employees

Course Topics

Occupational Skills: Computer Skills | Security: Cyber Security

Course Detail

Time: 23 Minutes
Questions: 6
Languages: en *
Closed Captioning:
Micro Learning: FALSE

* Courses can be converted to any language needed not listed for a small professional service fee per course, per language. 

