
COVID-19: How To Properly Don And Doff Your PPE Mask

Watch the video for a preview of the training. 

Course Overview

Wearing a mask is one of the easiest steps we can all take to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. This microlearning shows employees the correct steps to don and off a mask. The course details the procedures for surgical and procedural styles of masks. This microlearning features a short video training session providing practical, actionable, and engaging best practices for employees. Most popular uses for microlearning courses like this include standalone training, blended learning, self-directed learning, learning reinforcement, and on-demand learning.

Key Audience

All employees

Course Topics

Organizational Values: Employee Health and Wellness | Safety: Health and Wellness | Back To Work (During The Coronavirus Pandemic)

Course Detail

Time: 3 Minutes
Questions: 0
Languages: en *
Closed Captioning:
Micro Learning: TRUE

* Courses can be converted to any language needed not listed for a small professional service fee per course, per language. 


Not Specified