Writing is now an essential part of our typical workday. Demands for better writing skills increase significantly as we continue to use and rely on tech-based solutions, such as email, texting, blog, and social media as avenues for business communication.
According to the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) survey released in December 2018, communication skills (written) was the top attribute employers looked for in job applicants. And this skill is not just for those seeking employment.

Writing well structured, thought-out sentences communicates more than just the intended message. It declares us as disciplined individuals. We all have experienced emails, text and social media blurbs that included misspelled words. How about communication that used words incorrectly or written in a "stream of thought?"
This makes today's Video Review even more important. The lesson "Why Care About Writing?" provides answers to why employees need to focus on improving their writing skills. TIP: Good writing isn't only for those generating business proposals.
So, why should you care about improving your writing? Consider these reasons:
- Good writing is effective and efficient - It allows us to present ideas, concepts and/or proposals in clear and precise terms.
- Good writing increases credibility - People with strong writing skills are taken seriously and are in demand.
- Good writing makes us better thinkers - Good writers process ideas and thoughts before writing them down, thus avoiding the appearance of an incoherent and undisciplined person.
This is just one skill or lesson in the Business Writing Learning Path. There are 24 additional lessons waiting to help you improve your writing skills. Remember, MaxIT's mission is for you to become a top performer in your industry.
Don't have access to the 1500+ videos lessons? Then register for a Free 7-Day Trial and start with the "Why Care About Writing?" video lesson, today.