Is your company losing team players? If so, do you know what keeps them from leaving? This dilemma is actually common among different organizations. What isn’t clear about the impact of attrition is the cost of what it takes to replace an employee that has moved on.
According to Jason Evanish, an opinion leader in the development of professional skills, the cost to replace an employee is approximately $26,150.00* (*Costs are calculated below). There are additional costs associated with loss of productivity as co-workers must fill the gap while the position is open.

The cost of retaining an existing employee, however, is much less. How much less? Well, according to today’s Video Review called "Developing Your Culture", retaining an employee is all about building a fun culture. A positive and engaging company culture provides numerous benefits:
- Increases Productivity
- Produces income generating initiatives
- Creates a stronger positive bond among employees
- Promotes tenure and loyalty
What does “fun” culture look like? HINT: It’s doesn't cost thousands. Today’s video in review makes very good suggestions. Here are just a few:
- Meetings – Meetings are unavoidable. So why not make the event engaging? Consider naming your meeting rooms something creative and interesting, such as different names of flowers, states or ballparks. Decorate the room to support the name. Another way is to stock the conference room with pads of paper, pens, crayons, coloring pages, puzzles, etc. which can be a vehicle to express ideas during the meeting.
- Break Areas - Add some games, crossword puzzles, books, magazines, Legos, maybe even a ping pong table. Employees need a place to unwind during stressful moments. Allow them to take their minds away from work during a break, so they can have a breather.
- Special Days – Promote specials days that allow people to bond, such as bring your pet to work day, days where they can dress as their favorite movie characters, or "post your favorite inspiration thought on your forehead" day.
"Developing Your Culture" is just 1 of 6 lessons in the learning path that has the same name. There are 100+ Learning Paths found with Ability Platform. Each collection of related video-based lessons is organized for you by subject matter experts, so you can start immediately to improve your skills.
Remember, MaxIT's mission is for you to become a top performer in your industry. Don't have access to the 100+ Learning Paths? Then register for a Free 7-Day Trial and start with the " Developing Your Culture " learning path, today. This collection of micro-learning lessons inspires you to consider building a fun and productive work environment.